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The Real Ghost Stories

Sister seems to think it is

She and her boyfriend seem to think I accidently opened some sort of portal while cleaning the garage. I went so far as to get out of bed tonight and smudge my bedroom, telling it to go away and that I didn't want it near me

The feeling of it being there just got stronger. It's currently 4:40, so I've been writing for an hour

So I smudged about an hour and a half ago, and the cat's acting strange again

I'll honestly say it; I hope I'm just crazy. 

I Wish It Would Stop 

Allow me to introduce myself a bit, seeing as how I'm new here...I'm currently 19, living with my fiance and my cat and dog

I'm a full-time worker and "house wife" with no children, living in my birth-town of Abilene, Texas

I'm very opinionated and tend to speak my mind, and both my man and I try to rationalize everything we can

Sadly, sometimes it just doesn't work... My first "paranormal" experience, that I can actually remember and not blame on child imagination, was when I was 11, just after my 10th birthday

We, my mother, father, and myself, moved into my great grandmother's house when I was 7, to help take care of her

I had always slept in the bedroom above the cellar, or in the small bedroom/closet connected to it

Until I was 11

That's when I got the bright idea that, like my brother, who'd moved in with us for a time, I wanted to sleep in the cellar

So we cleaned it up, painted it shallow-pond blue, and moved me in

I drifted back and forth between the cellar and the room above it for about a year because, when I was down there, I had this uncanny feeling that I wasn't alone

Things would happen that I'd dismiss as my imagination or faulty memory; Sounds, movement in the shadows, the feeling of being watched, and things being moved when no one was in the room

When I'd move out, mom and I would here a strange thumping on the floor beneath us, or in the closet room for a couple weeks, then it'd stop

She always told me that I had unlocked something, but I never paid her any mind, thinking she was trying to scare me

Until the last time I moved down there. I was 12 by this time, and lying in bed one night

I couldn't sleep, and it was very late

I remember turning towards the wall, and my hand hit a hollow spot in the concrete

Then everything got very still

